CBVA Financial Reporting FY24

Financial Statements

Financial Performance

CBVA Financial Peformance
For the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024
Last 12m trend FY24 Actual FY24 Budget FY Budget variance FY25 Budget
Adult coaching fees $62,601 $45,000 $17,601 $60,000
Junior program income $52,195 $49,000 $3,195 $47,700
Adult membership $33,925 $35,600 −$1,675 $33,600
Squad program income $27,273 $34,800 −$7,527 $29,568
External Funding $5,000 $6,000 −$1,000 $12,500
Sales to members $4,022 $12,290 −$8,268 $13,300
Other income $1,770 $0 $1,770 $0
Tournament fees
$0 $0 $0 $2,400
Total Income $186,786 $182,690 $4,096 $199,068
Adult coaching costs −$59,436 −$40,200 −$19,236 −$52,750
Junior program expenses −$53,652 −$47,500 −$6,152 −$49,434
Squad program expenses −$26,760 −$29,830 $3,070 −$28,630
Administration −$15,697 −$17,156 $1,459 −$22,075
Purchases for members −$11,442 −$17,760 $6,318 −$23,500
Events −$6,164 −$9,000 $2,836 −$12,500
Equipment expenses −$3,540 −$2,500 −$1,040 −$3,122
Jnr support expenses −$3,000 −$3,000 $0 −$3,000
Tournaments costs −$360 $0 −$360 −$4,789
Donations −$250 $0 −$250 $0
Tech & Comms costs −$231 −$3,500 $3,269 −$4,000
Coaching development −$190 −$2,000 $1,810 −$2,500
Transaction fees −$12 $0 −$12 $0
Total Expenses −$180,734 −$172,446 −$8,288 −$206,300
Net Result $6,052 $10,244 −$4,192 −$7,232

Our financial performance for the Club overall yielded a modest surplus of ~$6k for FY24, slightly lower than $10k budgeted. As a not-for-profit association, this result is what we would consider reasonable to balance the short and long term objectives of the Club.

CBVA can be viewed financially as a series of cost centres which align to their operating activities. They are:
> CBVA Core: The Adult social beach volleyball club for members.
> Adult Coaching: Beginner, intermediate and advanced training classes offered to both members and trainees. This cost centre is surplus generating by design.
> Junior Program: Training classes for U18 players, catering to all levels from beginners to national competition. The program aligns to the school term year. The program aims to breakeven.
> Squad Program: Training classes for selected high performing players. The program has two terms in summer and a winter program. The program aims to breakeven.

More information about the financial performance of these cost centres can be found in the ‘Detailed Breakdowns’ section below.

Financial Position

CBVA Financial Position
Last 12m trend 2023-03-31 2024-03-31 Change
Cash at bank $25,216 $39,887 $14,671
Paypal cash account $0 $49 $49
Printful cash account $0 $384 $384
Account receivables $8,500 $3,080 −$5,420
Prepayments $408 $3,470 $3,062
Equipment assets $2,749 $1,003 −$1,746
Brand assets $5,000 $5,000 $0
GST paid $0 $639 $639
Total Assets $41,873 $53,512 $11,639
Liabilities & Equity
GST collected $0 $2,947 $2,947
Account payables $7,331 $5,634 −$1,697
Unearned income $2,603 $5,000 $2,397
Jnr support provision $3,916 $730 −$3,186
Accrued expenses $0 $5,126 $5,126
Retained equity $28,023 $34,075 $6,052
Total Liabilities & Equity $41,873 $53,512 $11,639

CBVA remains in a good financial position. Our cash balance increased to almost $40k by year end. Additional accounts were introduced (Paypal and Printful) while connecting the new store.
The closing balance of Receivables relates to amounts owed from Vaucluse Public School, and prepayments were made for shades and barriers not received and funded by Coogee Diggers. GST was introduced to CBVA at the beginning of January 2024 as our annual turnover exceeded the legislated threshold of $150k.
Unearned income relates to a grant received from Coogee Diggers to be recognised in Season 2024/25. The funds have been provided for the shades, barriers and new website. The Junior Support Provision is a fund set aside to support junior players attending national tournaments. Accrued expenses related to adult coaching expenses for March, not yet invoiced.

Additional Analysis

Year to date performance

Monthly performance

Historical performance

Year to date history

Long term cash trend

Our long term cash trend shows a return to historical levels following COVID years. For its current scale of operations, CBVA should aim to maintain a cash balance between $25k and $40k.

Income and expense flows

Detailed Breakdowns


‘CBVA Core’ refers to activities related to the basic functioning of the Club (social play and related activities, excluding coaching programs). Performance this year was in line with expectations, returning a modest surplus.

Membership was lower than expected, driven by fewer newer members than expected. Avion sponsored the Club for another year contributing $5k as a cash payment. We were unable to deliver uniforms this year, but were able to offer members a purchase of discounted balls thanks in part to beachvolleyball.com.au.

Incomplete sub-committee positions for the first half of the year meant some administration costs were avoided, and spend on events came in below budget. A detailed breakdown of administration costs is provided in a separate tab. A $250 donation was made to OzHarvest following our February King & Queen of the beach tournament.

CBVA Core Operations
FY24 Amount FY24 Budget FY Budget variance FY25 Budget
Adult Renewed membership $18,431 $17,600 $831 $17,600
Adult New membership $16,890 $18,000 −$1,110 $16,000
Sponsorship $5,000 $3,500 $1,500 $5,000
Apparel sales $4,022 $8,000 −$3,978 $8,200
Other income $1,223 $0 $1,223 $0
Interest $297 $0 $297 $0
Ball sales $0 $4,290 −$4,290 $5,100
Grant funding $0 $2,500 −$2,500 $7,500
Tournament fees $0 $0 $0 $2,400
Total Income $45,863 $53,890 −$8,027 $61,800
Administration −$15,697 −$17,156 $1,459 −$22,075
Apparel purchases −$9,967 −$12,000 $2,033 −$14,400
Events −$6,164 −$9,000 $2,836 −$12,500
Jnr support expenses −$3,000 −$3,000 $0 −$3,000
Equipment expenses −$1,795 −$2,500 $705 −$1,400
Equipment depreciation −$1,746 $0 −$1,746 −$1,722
Ball purchases −$1,475 −$5,760 $4,285 −$6,600
Adult Refunds −$1,396 $0 −$1,396 $0
Tournaments costs −$360 $0 −$360 −$4,789
Donations −$250 $0 −$250 $0
Technology costs −$231 $0 −$231 −$3,500
Coaching development −$190 −$2,000 $1,810 −$2,500
Transaction fees −$12 $0 −$12 $0
Marketing and comms $0 −$3,500 $3,500 $0
Design expenses $0 $0 $0 −$500
Member benefits $0 $0 $0 −$2,500
Total Expenses −$42,283 −$54,916 $12,633 −$75,486
Net Result $3,580 −$1,026 $4,606 −$13,686

Junior Program

The Junior program has continued its year on year growth, and ended with an outcome reasonable close to breakeven. The program collects incomes predominantly through school-term based coaching fees, with lesser amounts collected through membership, tournaments and a schools program with Brigidine College.

Additional financial support comes from multiple sources. $2.5k in funding was provided by Coogee Diggers for this financial year. CBVA (the cost centre) contributes $3k, and some sub-committee volunteers (Jesse, Paul and Ines) contribute their ‘thank-you’ payment as well.

Junior Program Detail
FY24 Amount FY24 Budget FY Budget variance FY25 Budget
Jnr program fees $24,412 $32,000 −$7,588 $24,200
Jnr schools program $18,800 $10,000 $8,800 $16,000
Jnr membership $4,198 $0 $4,198 $5,000
Jnr grant funding $2,500 $0 $2,500 $0
Jnr tournaments income $2,285 $2,000 $285 $2,500
Active Kids inflows $250 $0 $250 $0
Jnr apparel sales $0 $5,000 −$5,000 $0
Total Income $52,445 $49,000 $3,445 $47,700
Jnr coaching costs −$33,597 −$33,000 −$597 −$31,740
Jnr schools coaching costs −$14,400 −$8,000 −$6,400 −$12,000
Jnr uniforms −$2,855 $0 −$2,855 $0
Jnr tournaments expenses −$1,540 −$500 −$1,040 −$2,444
Jnr admin −$914 −$500 −$414 −$750
Jnr equipment −$345 −$500 $155 −$800
Jnr apparel purchase $0 −$5,000 $5,000 −$1,500
Jnr marketing $0 $0 $0 −$200
Total Expenses −$53,652 −$47,500 −$6,152 −$49,434
Net Result −$1,206 $1,500 −$2,706 −$1,734

Squad Program

The squad program returned a near breakeven result. FY25 is expected to have a similar outcome. The Squad Program is made up of Summer and Winter adult coaching programs for selected players. It differs from Adult Coaching in that fees are paid on a term basis, and are the same across squads, and coaches are paid on an hourly rate.

The difference between actual and budgeted outcomes for this year was due to a revised Winter program and a re-pricing of Summer program fees.

Squad Program Detail
FY24 Amount FY24 Budget FY Budget variance FY25 Budget
Squad coaching fees $27,273 $34,800 −$7,527 $29,568
Total Income $27,273 $34,800 −$7,527 $29,568
Squad coach payments −$25,760 −$27,830 $2,070 −$26,880
Squad admin −$1,000 −$1,500 $500 −$1,250
Squad equipment $0 −$500 $500 −$500
Total Expenses −$26,760 −$29,830 $3,070 −$28,630
Net Result $513 $4,970 −$4,457 $938

Adult Coaching

By design, adult coaching generates a surplus for the rest of the Club. 15% of fees collected are retained by CBVA, with the remaining 85% reimbursed to coaches. Coaches are free to set their own prices. We currently have three coaches for these adult coaching classes: Mully, Anderson and Marcos.

Coaching fees have continued to grow year on year, and are the highest grossing income item for the Club. We have conservatively estimated FY25 coaching fees to be similar to this year.

Adult Coaching Detail
FY24 Amount FY24 Budget FY Budget variance FY25 Budget
Adult coaching fees $62,601 $45,000 $17,601 $60,000
Total Income $62,601 $45,000 $17,601 $60,000
Adult coaching costs −$53,476 −$38,250 −$15,226 −$51,000
Adult coaching equipment −$3,960 −$450 −$3,510 $0
Adult coaching admin −$2,000 −$1,500 −$500 −$1,750
Total Expenses −$59,436 −$40,200 −$19,236 −$52,750
Net Result $3,166 $4,800 −$1,634 $7,250

Administration costs

Admininstration Detail
YTD Amount
Governance & Compliance
Rent $3,958
VNSW Affiliation $408
Compliance $54
Total Governance & Compliance $4,421
Meals $2,292
Venue hire $234
Travel $38
Total Meetings $2,564
Sub-committee - Equipment $1,500
Sub-committee - Onboarding $1,375
Sub-committee - Tech $1,250
Sub-committee - Comms $750
Sub-committee - Tournaments $750
Board costs $634
Sub-committee - Partnerships $500
Sub-committee - Grants $250
Sub-committee - Member support $150
Total Personnel $7,159
Product samples $672
Membership cards $553
Awards $303
Stationary $25
Total Other $1,554
Total Administration Expenses $15,697


Cash reconciliation

The table below shows the opening cash balance, the net movement from cash transactions and a calculated closing balance compared to the closing balance from the bank statement.

Cash reconciliation summary
Opening balance $25,216
Change in transactions $14,671
Calculated closing balance $39,887
Balance from bank statement $39,887

The difference between the calculated cash closing balance and the closing balance per the bank statement is 0.